Digital signage Q8 Digitopia content

More than 165 digital screens at Q8 and Panos

Fuel prices / Shopping offers / Vehicle maintenance / Loyalty programmes / Travel related information / Safety and other instructions. Q8 has an extensive network of manned and unmanned filling stations. With more than 500 Belgian Q8 and Q8 easy stations, there is always one near you.

Marketing campaigns

With more than 165 screens spread across Belgium, Q8 has an impressive reach for its tankers and shoppers. For many years, our graphics cell has been in contact with Q8's marketing department. Together we develop successful campaigns where visuals and animations make the difference at the point-of-sales.

Very large display network in Belgium

At a Q8 station you will find everything you need on the road. You can combine refueling with a visit to the shop. From a snack or coffee to a full lunch or shopping basket full of fresh food. Like Digitopia, Q8 offers a total experience!

Seasonal content

We mainly respond to seasonal and festive themes. The ROI of the retail outlets is also very important for Q8, and the screens have a long-term script or display scenario for this.

Q8 Smiles, not just a play on words

The principle is that at "Q8 you leave with a smile after refueling or shopping. In addition to seasonal themes, the on-screen communication permanently focuses on this loyalty formula. The smiles regularly appear (with a wink) in many media files that we devise and create together. These saved Smiles or points can be exchanged for discounts on refueling or purchases in the shops at Q8. You can also opt for a gift certificate at: H&M, Kinepolis, Decathlon, ICI PARIS XL, Smartphoto and Krëfel. So the Smiles are the common thread in customer loyalty and you can see that every day on the screens in all shops and gas stations.

Refuel yourself at Panos

With more than 100 Panos corners at Q8 gas stations, you never have to go far to soothe your stomach. Our screens visualize an assortment of morning, lunch and evening snacks. Our content also capitalizes on freshly baked bread to fill the children's lunch boxes the next day. This combined with loyalty programs built a loyal customer base over the years that goes far beyond the purchase of diesel or gasoline.

Q8 Shop & Go's also use Centoview

Delhaize today has 135 franchised Shop & Go's, including 120 at a Q8 gas station. "Delhaize serves 4.5 million customers a day, about one million of whom use the Shop & Go franchise concept. The shops are important for the image, as about 20% of customers pass through them," said Lionel Desclée, senior vice president at Delhaize, responsible for franchise stores.

Maximizing the customer experience through perfectly tuned communications

The ongoing rollout and expansion of Centoview at Q8 is focused on maximizing the customer experience in the shops. Our CMS provides a highly capable platform to accomplish that mission. As a high-performing tool to understand and manage the needs of customers and shop owners, it will help Q8 gather the right data and insights and use them efficiently with highly personalized communications. Working closely with Q8, Digitopia will increase the impact of campaigns and continue to successfully bring new products and services into the picture. Thank you for your trust over the years!

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We have attractive prices compared to other digital signage providers. We also completely take care of the installation of the displays.

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