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Foodmaker qsr digital signage digitopia

We offer you digital support for your restaurants (QSR)

Digital signage plays an important role in supporting Quick Service Restaurants (QSR). It contributes to operational efficiency, marketing campaigns and your corporate image in general.

Order menus with pricing

Digital signage is used to display menu items, prices and special offers. These dynamic tables can be quickly updated and adjusted to reflect menu changes, seasonal promotions and current prices. This helps customers make decisions and reduces waiting time at checkout.

Upselling and cross-selling

Through visual appeal and customized content, digital signage displays can entice customers to order additional items or upgrades, increasing sales per customer. Such as displaying additional products that go well with what the customer has already ordered.

Cue management

Digital signage manages queues in our bank branches. Providing customers with information about their place in line or displaying the estimated wait time ... all useful wait softeners. This reduces the feeling of impatience while waiting.

Food preparation, nutriscores and allergens

Some QSRs use digital signage to show customers how their orders are prepared. This provides transparency and can also influence customer expectations regarding wait times. Sharing the composition of meals on screens also lowers overhead on your staff.

Loyalty programs

Digital signage can inform customers about loyalty programs, discount offers and rewards for repeat visits. This can enhance customer retention and encourage repeat purchases.

Entertainment and brand experience

In addition to functional information, digital signage displays can provide entertainment to customers while they wait, such as videos, news feeds or interactive games. This contributes to the positive brand experience.

Make a difference, dare to stand out!

In a world where everyone and everything looks, acts, offers and uses the same marketing techniques and communication channels, the uniqueness of a company is vital. This also applies to the entire banking industry.

Empower your bank brand

Digital signage always plays a role in strengthening the bank's brand. Consistent branding and visual communication contribute to a positive perception of the bank among customers. In Belgium, our content services are widely used.

Are you looking for these solutions? Let us know, we can demonstrate a lot of things and have a bunch of typical QSR references from the Benelux and beyond.

Do you have digital signage enquiries? Looking for fresh content or interactive experiences?

We have attractive prices compared to other digital signage providers. We also completely take care of the installation of the displays.

Read more about digital signage