Target different messages to all possible types of employees in your organization
Office 365 features powerful communication tools with leading software such as Teams, SharePoint & Yammer. While some of these tools can supplement communication with your employees, they do not replace a dedicated internal communication platform. We are increasingly encountering clients who rely on Spencer and alternatives for this purpose. In the meantime, our digital signage software Centoview can link with Spencer and give useful posts or other employee activity visibility in your office building.
Internal communication on point
Workforce demographics are changing and that means your organization must change with them. Gen Y and Z workers want to feel engaged and expect different things from their employer today than they did 50 years ago. They want more collaboration, transparency and feedback. They want the right tools and expect an environment where internal communication plays a bigger role than ever before. As a result, Spencer has taken significant market share in a short period of time.

Being loyal to your ecosystem
Don't divide your internal communications into different fragmented channels and tools. Choose a platform that offers communication to both specific individuals but also can be deployed on a large scale (e.g. all factories in Europe). Therefore, combining Spencer with digital signage offers you all the flexibility and scalability you need.
Centoview is choosing for a customized service
We offer different configurations so you get exactly what you need. Some customers prefer the "full-service" principle, while others only need the software licenses and create their own story after training the users. Be sure to consult us for customized advice. Especially for links like this with external platforms, a clear intake conversation can save everyone a lot of time and energy.
Data-driven screen communication
Collecting data allows you to identify the content that resonates most with your audience (employees) and helps you better direct your internal communication strategy. Therefore, data such as when content was read, demographic information about the user (age, department, etc.) as well as data on content engagement are relevant when making decisions and optimizing your internal communication initiatives.
Efficiency through automation
Behind digital signage is a (software-based) architecture. You set up behind the scenes which displays broadcast what part of the information (and possibly when). That automation comes together in a single software solution. This "control room" determines what data goes where. That way, as an organization, you manage the 'broadcast' of as many as hundreds of displays from a single interface.

The tech analysts at Gartner created the summary below. Although O365 tools are very popular and widespread, reaching your entire workforce will still be a challenge. So strengthen your reach by connecting digital screens with your internal communication tools.

In practice
Both with the SOC (this is the built-in player in your display) or external (Intel NUC) player you enjoy a pleasant content experience. Centoview is such a performant and evolved CMS system where an SOC is a godsend in most cases. Engage with us, share your ecosystems (such as Spencer) with us, and we'll see how we can make your digital displays automatically join your internal communication mix.