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Childfocus digital signage

Digital signage partnership with no end date: Child Focus

Child Focus, the foundation for missing and sexually exploited children, plays a crucial role in society by locating missing children and raising public awareness of the risks through preventive measures. To accomplish this mission, the organization uses modern technologies and communication strategies, with the use of digital screens and gamification standing out. This article explains why Digitopia has been using clients' digital signage screens (who give permission) for more than 10 years, to maximize the reach of Child Focus. There is no price on safety.

Efficiency and rapid dissemination

One of the key advantages of digital screens is the ability to disseminate information quickly and efficiently. When every minute counts in the search for a missing child, the speed of dissemination is crucial. Digital signage screens enable Child Focus to immediately share photos and descriptions of missing children in busy public places such as shopping centers, train stations, airports, and busy shopping streets.

Reach and visibility

Digital signage screens are strategically placed in high-traffic areas, ensuring maximum visibility. This wide reach increases the likelihood that someone will recognize the child and provide useful information to help find them. By reaching a broad audience, including people who do not use traditional media such as television or newspapers, the digital screens complement other communication methods and maximize search efforts.

Support from partners

The deployment of digital signage screens by Child Focus is made possible through collaboration with private and public partners. Media companies, advertising space owners, and local authorities all play a crucial role by supporting the dissemination of search messages.

Over 10 years as a display partner of Child Focus

By integrating our digital signage network into the communication strategy, Child Focus leverages the benefits of modern technology to enhance the visibility and effectiveness of the search for missing children. This approach demonstrates the organization’s commitment to using all available channels to protect and find children. Thanks to the speed, reach, and visual impact of our digital screens, Child Focus continues to raise public awareness and increase the chances of quickly and safely finding missing children. We remain proud of this ongoing partnership. Contact us if you also want to display Child Focus messages on your screens.

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